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Vantage PACD v3

CorEvitas’ Vantage platform provides users with the ability to interrogate patient activity in the primary care setting. The anonymised, local-level dataset enables the safe and secure exploration of diagnosis, treatment, demographics, and more across England.

  • Understand trends in patient demographics, population sizing, and patient profiling
  • Evaluate the burden of a specific condition on primary care and healthcare resources
  • Understand drug switching patterns by indication
  • Identify unmet need in the patient pathway 

Get in touch with our team for a demo

>> WATCH NOW: An introduction to Primary Care Activity Data in CorEvitas' Vantage platform


  • First real-world data (RWD) platform offering Primary
    Care Activity Data
  • Panel dataset providing Primary Care Activity Data
    across England​
  • Provides data from all 3 primary care clinical systems
    in one consistent format: EMIS, SystmOne and Vision​
  • Fastest growing GP-provided source of Primary Care
    Activity Data, with 15.6m patients added since 2019 
  • Updated monthly

Symptoms and Diagnoses*

Coded symptoms and diagnoses v2
Asthma icon


Patients with asthma

Cardio icon


Patients with heart failure

Diabetes icon


Patients with


*Example Diagnoses
available formats and treatment metrics

Data Coverage

Maps to Integrated Care Systems (ICS), Integrated Care Boards (ICB) and Primary Care Networks (PCN). Patients are distributed across ICSs in England. 

Download the fact sheet to view:

  • A regional coverage map detailing patient numbers between 2018 - 2024
  • Practice and patient metrics
  • Data points

Want a demo? Reach out to our team, here.

Primary Care Activity Data – Factsheet image data coverage